Be mindful, create connection and find joy, through rhythm and movement.
African Drumming and Dance in Lake Macquarie, Hunter and Newcastle.
Relieve stress, build focus, enhance brain function, find your groove. Join our community!
Classes now offered in Belmont and Lakelands.
We offer introductory African dance classes to engage the body and mind. Moving is one of the best ways to become invigorated, promote health, age gracefully and find joy.
Break the cycle and try something new with one of our fun and engaging weekend workshops.
We bring African drumming and dance artists to Lake Macquarie and Newcastle to inspire us, help them to share their culture, and connect with the authentic roots of the music and dance.
Embrace the rhythm of change
To us ‘Alchemy’ is the art of creating change, the transmutation of ourselves, our environment and our community into something greater. Djembe Alchemy strives to create community, wellness, connection and joy using rhythm and the blessing of African drumming and dance.
Find your rhythm, find your community and find your joy with Djembe Alchemy.
African drumming classes
Weekly community drumming classes for term 3 are running at the Lakelands Community Center in Lake Macqaurie, and come term 4 we will be running in both Lakelands and Belmont. Come and join our drum and dance family and find your groove.
African drumming & dance workshops
We run African drumming and dance workshops in Lake Macquarie and organise feature guest artists from around Australia to bring inspiration to our local community. They are fun, interactive, energetic and accesible to all djembe fola (djembe player) and dancers from beginner to advanced and can cater for people of reduced mobility.
African dance classes
Our introductory African dance classes will be starting in term 4. They provide an accessible introduction to African dancing along to the energy of live drumming. It creates a symbiosis between the drums and the dance, a special interaction and energy that connects and uplifts. It’s a social, inclusive and accepting environment in which everyone is welcome. Come and get moving, find your flow and groove to the beat of African rhythm.
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Get early notification of new classes and workshops by signing up to our mailing list. We promise not to bombard you with rubbish or share your details, just let you know what’s happening.